Who is GoldFlēce?
GoldFlēce is a performer, composer, songwriter, and producer who creates music in multiple genres. GoldFlēce identifies each musical style as follows: GoldFlēce.rock, GoldFlēce.EDM, GoldFlēce.jazz, and GoldFlēce.classical.
What’s the musical vision you have going forward?
The music of GoldFlēce seeks to engage both listeners and musicians alike. Creating entertaining performances and recordings create a loop that drives the creative process. Live performance is essential to GoldFlēce.
What is going on with GoldFlēce now?
The GoldFlēce composition Web Dance performed on March 14, 2020, is now online. Visit https://youtu.be/vyD5QblkUeM to watch the performance.
The music is a metaphor for the growth of the World Wide Web, starting with the first graphical browser, Netscape (v1.1), and connections to the web via dial-up modems. The piece actually starts with the sound of the original dial-up modem. Then it builds, and builds, and BUILDs, just as the internet has done over the last 25 years.
GoldFlēce joined forces with Dr. David Ott to create an orchestrated show of music by the Allman Brothers band called A Night On The Road. The performance was on Oct. 5, 2019. The video from the show will be online soon.
GoldFlēce songs, Southern’s All I Ever Want to Be, Can’t Turn Back Now, and Fadiddle were part of the show as well as many of the most beloved songs of the Allman Brothers band, such as Ramblin’ Man, Sweet Melissa, Whipping Post, Jessica, Elizabeth Reed, Midnight Rider and more.
Where can people keep up with Goldflēce.rock on Social Media?
GoldFlēce.com (You are here now!)